Flip Flops

This post is a sequel to one earlier this week about wearing white after Labor Day.  I had such a great response to the debate so why not keep it alive?  Several friends suggested adding flip flops to the mix so I'm jumping in ... are flip flops ok after Labor Day?

I stand pretty firm on flip flops ... they are for a specific time and place ... for the summer months and for the pool and beach.  I'm talking traditional flip flops here, not the fancy-dancy ones that look straight off the runway.  I'm talking the good old fashioned kind.   They are for the pool and the beach, and that's it.  Ok, maybe the grocery store over the summer, on the way to the pool or the beach.

I've seen many a person try to pull them off at work or at a social event and it just doesn't work.  Not unless you're a surfer dude, and then heck that's your brand!  They are way too casual for my blood, and I personally think they only work with a bathing suit.

Although I may not be alone here, I know that I am clearly in the minority.  And my family tells me that it's generational.  I guess this is the one place where I do have to acknowledge the generation gap.  I guess.

The younger folks wear them all the time.  Hot, cold, sunny, raining, inside, outside.  They live in flip flops.  So I guess that I can acknowledge that for some, flip flops are "on brand" for them.  I guess.  Only if they have a pedicure though.

Don't mean to be flip flopping, either way they don't work for me personally.  They are not my brand.

What do you think ... what's your experience?  Jim.

Jim Joseph
President of Lippe Taylor
Author of The Experience Effect