Summer Blockbusters

"It's rare to have a sequel be better than the original" -- that's all I heard all day yesterday upon returning to work from Memorial Day weekend.

This of course is in reference to the movie Hangover 2, the weekend premiere that set all sorts of records.

It IS unusual for a sequel to be so well received, although I have to say that I think this is the birth of more than a new movie, it's the birth of a brand. It's not like we don't know the plot concept and certainly how it's going to end, but this franchise has become a certain kind of comedic entertainment which completely seems to satisfy its audience - the mark of a great brand. And with sales skyrocketing, we are sure to see another installment from the "brand".

The other blockbuster whose marketing machine has kicked into high high gear? Cars 2. Now this sequel is a long time coming, but by looks of the tie-in with State Farm it sure won't disappoint.

Let's not forget The Bridesmaids.  Hysterical, and totally unexpected.  An early summer hit on a seemingly smaller marketing budget.  Perhaps a bit of a surprise, coming in so successfully right before the big blockbusters hit.

The most anticipated? The Green Lantern, at least from my perspective. The built in buzz and anticipation is almost guaranteeing a record opening weekend - the ultimate goal of any movie marketing plan.

I will be sure to partake on a hot summer weekend!

What's your experience? Jim.