Behr Premium Plus Ultra

I've written about the "paint wars" before, with the introduction of the Benjamin Moore paint app.  "Paint" is a pretty competitive market, believe it or not, and there is some very sophisticated positioning and marketing work going on.  On the surface you would think it low involvement, but quite the contrary.

The Behr brand is sold exclusively at Home Depot and they do more than their fair share of innovation as well.  You might not think much about it since it's a Home Depot house brand, but it's actually a great line of products.  Full disclosure, back in the early days the agency I ran then did a lot of their web work.

The Behr brand just brought a new innovation to the category, or at least they are serving it up as new.  Paint and primer in one.  New Behr Premium Plus Ultra (personally, I would have come up with a more clever name).

Now if you are like me, you hate to paint.  I can get through one coat, maybe, if I muster up the strength.  But the thought of getting through one coat, only to have to repeat the whole process is just way too much for me.

Behr's new all-in-one presumably gets rid of that little problem.  While the name is not so great, the tagline is:  "Paints as it primes, primes as it paints."  Cuts the paint time in half.  Hits right on a core problem in the category and offers a real benefit.

Now that's innovation and another step up in the paint wars.

What's your experience?  Jim.