Mad About Mad Men

Last night was the season premiere of Mad Men (in case you are hiding under a rock) ... all the social media outlets were on fire over the weekend in anticipation.

Personally, I love the show. I love watching the era that it reflects and the pace at which things move. Business was so much slower back then, it's fascinating to watch these ad men interpret what consumers want and it's fascinating to see how they conduct business.

Funny that I share a client with Don Draper - Clearasil. But I don't really share his clothing or his gimlets. I traded in the suit for a sports coat and funky shirt, and I stick to Diet Pepsi at lunch. But I certainly could have the look, and maybe even a walk-on role, from Banana Republic.

Banana Republic once again is partnering with Mad Men to recreate the fashions from the show. The store's window treatments are geared up with signage that says "Mad About Dresses" and "Mad About Suits", along with period-inspired clothing and pictures of the cast.

If you pick up a Mad Men style guide from Banana Republic, there's a special code on the back page that allows you to upload your picture to the Mad Men website to win an appearance on the show. The style guide itself tells you everything you need to know to capture the Mad Men look, accessories and all! Great marketing that merges reality with fantasy.

What's your experience? Jim.