Roll Over Cottonelle

It's an age-old question .... which way to hang the toilet paper? Roll over or roll under? When it comes to couples therapy, this is right up there with toilet seats and tubes of toothpaste!

The "how do you roll" debate is evidently now officially over.

With their very own Roll Poll and a Chief Roll Officer, Cottonelle has finally settled on which way toilet paper should roll. After a very comprehensive vote, an overwhelming majority of Americans say they prefer to Roll Over! So Cottonelle has introduced a new toilet paper roll specifically designed to roll over.

Much ado about nothing? Probably, but it's fun! This is the stuff that cocktail parties and facebook chatter are made of! Visit to see for yourself.

Is there real product innovation here? Not really. I was initially expecting more, based on the premise and set-up. But that's ok, I get the fact that it's just toilet paper. This is still great marketing inspired by real consumer behavior and conversations.

The campaign is everywhere and is very comprehensive. Television advertising, outdoor, print, website, facebook, the whole roll! A great example of fully integrated marketing across a variety of channels, using each medium to its fullest extent ... something I call "The Experience Effect" :)

All in all, a great brand experience that sparks even more conversation. Who doesn't love this stuff?

What's your experience? Jim