The Softer Side of Away


As a brand, when you’re known for one specific thing it’s sometimes hard to advance into other areas.

In this case I’m talking about Away luggage. The hard-shell luggage brand that really disrupted the category and changed how travelers shop the category. The brand relied on its sleek design, advanced features, and easy-ordering to make the traditional players look very old school.

It worked! As a result, Away became known as a hard-shell luggage brand. Is it possible for it to advance from that?

So, in other words, could the brand introduce soft-sided luggage? It’s trying! And it’s positioning the line for “over packers.” Which, btw, has to be almost everyone!

Will it succeed? What’s your experience? JIM

PS - A note to the headline. It’s a reference to a classic campaign from the retailer Sears when it was trying to convince consumers that it offered more than hardware and appliances. Clothing, etc = soft goods. The softer side, if you will. “The softer side of Sears.” You just gotta check out the video:

Jim JosephAway, travel, SearsComment