Starbucks First Signing Store in the US

This week Starbucks opened up its first US "signing store" in Washington DC...celebrating and making it easier for partially and fully deaf people to not only come enjoy a cup of coffee but to also find inclusive employment.

No detail is left out in this store, including artwork, uniforms, accessories and a "sign of the day."

The store was modeled after the first of its kind in Malaysia, and I'm betting we'll see more where this came from! And perhaps other types of stores that are inclusive to many other folks as well. And I bet we'll see other brands follow suit...that's what happens when you're a brand leader, and when you make attempts to be inclusive to all of your constituents. 

What's your experience? JIM.

PS - In NYC, I work right by a center that helps blind people learn how to navigate the city. I'm inspired every single day when I walk by on my way to work. I'd like to see a "Seeing Store" nearby!