Coca-Cola Replenishes Its Water Use

I love when a company or brand sets out to achieve a very specific goal...a goal that gives back to the society from which it takes.

That's exactly what the Coca-Cola Company recently did in regards to water conservation.

The Coca-Cola company recently announced that it has replenished all of the water it uses to make its entire lineup of beverages. No small feat given their expansive portfolio and global reach. But the company made this a stated goal awhile back, and now they can say that they achieved it.

Honestly, that's a wow.

The company claims it was able to replenish all of its usage through treating wastewater from its manufacturing and through several initiatives to capture clean water around the world. I always say, "You gotta have a goal." Because when you have a goal, then you can work (and align resources) towards making that goal a reality.

To my eye, this is true sustainability practice in action...and humbly communicating about it. I'm impressed with the efforts and I commend the company for letting us all know. Taking a stand on something that is important to the world and that is so tied to the essence of your brand is true benchmark CSR work.

You can read more about it.

What's your experience? JIM